Book a FREE Discovery Call

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Book a FREE Discovery Call

Please fill out the form below with some details of where you are now in your career and where you would love to take it. I will reply with some booking options to connect in a FREE discovery call.

Located in Ottawa, Canada and working with groomers remotely across the world.

Carolyn is always open to teaching and guiding me when I ask for help."


"Carolyn has helped me be more assertive with clients and has encouraged me not to be shy about charging appropriately for my skill level and hard work."


The Top 3 Ways to Beat Groomer Burnout

We all know that feeling. You feel run-down, burnt out, and stuck in a rut. You need to change something, but what?

Here are the top 3 ways to get out of your funk and get your career back on track.

Take Your Career to the Next Level

Gain clarity, make a plan, and take action.

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