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From unhappy groomer to owner of a thriving dog salon


My story starts back at a corporate salon. I was working for a micromanager who demanded more than I could deliver as a baby groomer. She was a bully and made me feel small and insignificant. I was scared to leave because I didn’t think it could get better. I wasn’t sure that I was good enough. I thought about quitting grooming altogether

After a while I found a new job in a private pet store that was the exact opposite of the corporate salon. The store owner was never around, she had no rules in place and us groomers worked away with broken equipment and cheap product making her money. We only talked to her when she thought we had done something wrong.

It turned out that salon was not what I wanted either. What I valued (trust, good customer service, friendship) just wasn't available at these salons. Within a few months I came to my biggest realization: that I needed to be my own boss. I started setting goals for my future and planning for my own salon and never looked back.


It’s easy to get stuck doing the same thing day in and day out in this industry.

It’s easy to stay at a company that isn’t a good fit for you because you’re scared of change. It’s easy to just take the abuse from clients and managers because you think it’s the same everywhere. But it isn’t RIGHT!

I’m here to help YOU figure out what it is YOU really want from your career and help you get there.


It's been nearly five years since I decided to start my own dog grooming business. It has grown to become a prosperous business with happy employees and great clients. I’m happy and feel fulfilled.

I’m glad I’m where I am, but looking back, I wish I had someone to help me realize earlier what I really wanted from my career so I didn’t spend years being miserable.

If you aren’t sure what you really want, aren’t sure how to get there, and don’t want to do it alone, I know what that feels like! I can help you build your career as a groomer into something that fits you. You can be happy grooming dogs!

Book a Free Discovery Session
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My ultimate goal: I want to make grooming work for groomers.

I believe groomers are lucky: we can build our careers so they fit who we are as people. 

Book Your FREE Discovery Call

Please fill out the form below with some details of where you are now in your career and where you would love to take it. I will reply with some booking options to connect in a FREE discovery call.